Training Blog

Day 31: Bulletproof

Posted by David McCabe on June 11 2013 @ 20:32

Good Evening Folks,

Today was another long one. Up at 4:50am……. well woke up at 450am, got dressed and got back into bed to get back up at 520am, But anyway we’re not here to split hairs.

In this morning for my 6am, feeling good to my cardio session at 8am with one of my Transformers alone side me, Michaela. I had 45 minutes of mad intense Stairs to do. I incresed the intensity this week as I’ve 3 and a half weeks left, so time is not on my side. sweat covered the machine as usual and then time for a quick shower and then 9am straight til 2pm for my lunch to chill for a bit and then in for some more madness.

As I was on my lunch I was thinking of the distance I’ve come thus far. losing a stone in 2 days and paying the price for it, training to lose 10 kg in 11 days, to my struggles over the passed 2 weeks with private and professional matters to over see. And I instantly got a wave of complete focus. I realised what my business was called…….. I know, only realising it now :P. ‘Transform Fitness’, this is what I do. I do it with clients day in and day out. I promote, advertise, market, schedule, write up programs and diets that no one in this country would dream of doing, always trying to improve, always trying to develop, always maintaining the best standard of personal training in Meath and probably in other areas (due to my results and goal success rate) all by myself. No Team, By Myself.

I stormed into the gym with the intent of destroying it, like Samson destroyed the Temple of Dagan (Judges 16:3), I turned on my tunes and the first song playing after I laid out my 600 rep assault in under 40 minutes was ‘Bulletproof’ by Five Finger Death Punch and was that not just a fitting song. and away I went. I was being spared out of it with the amount of weight I was lifting and the sweat that fell to the floor. I was like a man possessed for example Deadlifting 120 kg for 60 Reps in under 3 Minutes……… Animal. and that was the 4th exercise after 60 pull ups, 60 depth press ups, 60 60 kg Overhead Squats and after the Deadlifts there was just more complete madness and all done in 36 Minutes.

As I lay there I went through all the exercises I did and I thought ‘Who Does This S*&t?’ ANd Just replied (The second sign of madness :P), ‘I Do!’. THat’s what makes Transform Fitness different. The constant want to change and evolve. Many doubt this but walk in and I’ll train you, chat to my clients, we all believe in my madness and that it’s all for the greater good……

Finished my last few clients and drove home, feeling absolutely fantastic, unstopable, BULLETPROOF.

I will leave with the pre-chorus of Bulletproof.

Have a great night folks.


‘No matter how hard you try,

You can’t break me down,

I’m f&£king Bulletproof.’

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Day 30: The Heat Is On!

Posted by David McCabe on June 10 2013 @ 21:42

Good Evening Dudes and Dudettes,

Sorry for not posting the weekend but like many of you, I was out enjoying the sunshine with friends, family and meat. Loved the ol’ BBQ’s, I’m not going to lie. Turkey burgers, steak, beef sausage, chicken, salads……… even though you don’t win friends with salad nor does an epic story begin with ‘I had a salad! Then…..’ But it was ate.

Today started my 5th week of my challenge, which means time is running out. I,ve just over 3 and a half weeks to hit my target so I threw myself into overdrive. Increased the intensity of my cardio and did my Transform Fitness Spartan sessions. Sweat was falling off me and clients looking on thinking to themselves ‘That Lad Is Mad In The Head!’, And it honestly took a lot out of me but after a good shower I was right as rain.

New Clients started today and I’ve gotten new clients today as well. Everyday is bringing more new people as now they are seeing that this is the real, and no one can touch what happens at Transform Fitness. Email’s, messages, texts, Facebook and more from people wanting help and my day becomes longer but I love it. I always do my best and I will always do my best for you. 11 hours of clients today, 13 tomorrow, 9 Wednesday, 13 Thursday, 14 Friday and working the weekend and I will say this. What they say is true……..

If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.

It’s not work anymore to me……. it’s a passion

but one thing I want is Sleep……. So that’s where I’m going….. Good night and god bless.

See you guys at 6am tomorrow.



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Day 27: Feel Like Giving In

Posted by David McCabe on June 07 2013 @ 20:34

Today was a tough one

It was a long day today, and it really didn’t help that it was an amazing day outside. I hot in at 6am and ready to rock. Clients done then cardio to be done. I was joined on the stairs by one of my clients and she said ‘I’ve never seen anyone sweat so much on this thing, more than you.’. The stairs were soaking in my own sweat. The machine was bleeding sweat. cool down and off with the rest of my clients until 3pm.

I went then after for a walk in a local park and I was so tired that I just wanted to quit today. I wanted to stop training, dieting, working, walking, everything but I was talked of the quitting ledge. I was told with everything going on, it isn’t easy and I realised that I need my own motivator at times.

I always am a proud believer that self-motivation is the best way to go but when you really feel like kicking it in, it’s really great to let loose and really say what’s on your mind to someone so you and that person can really help line your ducks in a row to get back to your focus. Then it was back in for the final line of clients.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing what I’m doing. Everyone will have their days of just shutting the door and really pretending the world does not exist but that’s ok. and it definitely doesn’t mean you should give up. So as I sit here eating my last meal and typing a world class blog I realise that I’ve done a lot in my 5 and a bit years as a professional in the fitness industry and that alone should hold be up, even when I’m down.

Good Night Folks


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Day 26: Inception of The End

Posted by David McCabe on June 06 2013 @ 19:25

Hello everyone in transformation land,

Had a lie on this morning and moved my clients to later in the day to let my body rest. You know, have to really listen to your body when doing something Like this. I killed it yesterday, and was very impressed with how fast my body has adjusted to the new training. But after my cardio this morning I got chatting to an old client and we got chatting about our sessions and the photos taken. And than he started chatting about how business was and I’m always busy. But it wasn’t always like that. I only wish it was. In 2011, I explained, I was on my knees. I had no work, among other things and robbing Peter to pay Paul. I even thought of doing a course in accounting, but I came up with the 12 day Transformation Program and I redeveloped all my training plans to get the best out of my clients and ultimately myself. I repackaged my business and now I’m going faster than I could ever imagine. And explain this to this person and the only response I got back was ‘That’s unbelievable’. But true. He said ‘May it long last, and it doesn’t seem like it’s slowing down’ and back to his training.

I sat and thought. Before thinking to myself, ‘I’ll train my clients outside today’, I thought the inception of Transform Fitness came about leading a new way of training for everyone. Not just anyone, everyone. To train and always get results. I’ve always been about the training and the results. I don’t care about the finance end of things when it comes to the results. I designed new programs, diets and concepts so that everyone can get what they want. When I see a client for the first time I think of the inception of the end. What will this person look like then we hit our goals, I see the target not the person and I build their program around that. Head to toe.

I got one of the new guys in to shadow today and we trained. We did one of my 500’s. And talk about pain and sweat for under 30 minutes. Great combination of exercises that just worked the entire body. Neuro-endocrine response is great.

To finish off today I visited the family and they had a BBQ brewing. So I stuck around and had myself 6 chicken fillets and salad. My God it was epic. I was really feeling like giving up today, I just can’t get focused the past couple of days but I’m going to sacrifice all I fear and push the boundaries one last time. Just slightly over 4 weeks left. Lets finish this!



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Day 25: ‘How Is Superman This Morning?’

Posted by David McCabe on June 05 2013 @ 21:48

G’day All,

Another fantastic day on the island of Ireland. May it last until the young ones are finished the national exams, the usual rule of thumb. Well they’re sweating inside, we are outside. But just to say guys, if anybody’s reading this doing their exams, best of luck.

Got up and out to the grind. First client done and cardio finished, I had my shower and waited for my next client. As I was thinking about what was I going to write today……… ‘How Is Superman This Morning?’

And there it was. After last week and the weekend for someone to say that, in passing. Why not just good morning or hello but that set the tone for the day. Clients back to back, the way it always is, and I like that. It came to 3pm and it was time to train but it was with one of my clients. It was the old school sessions, my 3pm was none too help that she was training with me but I simplified it a bit for her. We kicked off with pull ups and into military press and on. We were finished quite fast after a tough session but heavy metal blaring can really make you fly.

I finished up early today for me, new clients again this week. Diets and programs to do. And to be honest, chill in what will probably be the only 2-3 weeks of our summer. I watched a film as I did my work. Now I’m writing my blog starving so i’m going to get my final meal. Good night, sweet dreams, and I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow.



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Day 24: A.W.O.L.

Posted by David McCabe on June 04 2013 @ 21:15

Good evening guys,

I thought this was a fitting title as I was away from blogging for the weekend. It was a long weekend but attached to that was a long week. So I needed a break to collect my thoughts and re-think plans of strategy. But back to the grind stone this morning and to the regular routine.

Someone asked me today, ‘does it not get boring?’. And to be honest, it does. It does get boring and it does get tedious but this is something I’m setting up for myself, a goal, an achievement. But it had become hard last week to stay focused. I took 4 days to rest as I felt if I pushed myself, I knew my body wouldn’t of liked it. Hey, I’m all for pushing until you faint but I honestly didn’t have it. So the rest was welcomed with open arms.

I got back to work and training today and it was tough with the 4 day break. But after writing my blog Thursday, I went to walk the bear to clear my head, to re-group. It was quite late but brought my phone, just in case I got lost and the bear ran off. Getting annoying running back and forth to see if I was still there in the woods that night. But my phone went off and I instantly thought that it was a reminder to do a program or a diet, to which I didn’t want to be doing that late but it wasn’t. It was a text, out of nowhere from an anonymous person. And I will attach it to the blog but the way I was feeling at that particular moment, it really lifted my spirit. And it was good to see that people are following what is happening and they can see and relate to what was happening, that there are up’s and down’s but your will has to be stronger to survive.

Night y’all


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