** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 1: Don’t Stop
- Squats
- Lunges (Alternating)
- Drill
- Press ups
- Crunch
- Rest
60 seconds for each exercise, including your rest
5 rounds
Total Training Time: 30 Mins
Week 2: Don’t Stop – Part 2
- Squats
- Jump Squats
- Drill
- Split Drill/ Mountain Climbers
- Press Up
- Plank
- Double Crunch
- Rest
60 Sec each
5 rounds
40 Min total time.
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 3: Don’t Stop – Part 3
- Jump Squat
- Walking Rest Lunges
- Incline Press Up
- Explosive Press Up
- Inverted Shoulder Press Up
- Plank
- Crunch
- Double Crunch
- Rest
60 Sec each
5 rounds
Total Training Time: 50 Minutes
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 4: Here We Go!
- 1 ¼ Squats
- Jump Squats
- Box Jumps (Step)
- Inverted Shoulder Press Up
- Incline Press Up
- Staggered Press UP
- Sprawl
- Split Drill
- X-Leg Sit UP
- In and Outs
- Leg Raises
- Rest
60 Sec each
5 rounds
Total Workout Time: 60 Mins
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 5: To Battle
- Jump Squats
- 1 ¼ Jump Squats
- Squats
2 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 7 Min Total time
- Dive Through
- Explosive Press Up
- Incline Press Up
2 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 7 Min Total time
- Plank to Press
- Drill
- Split Drill
2 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 7 Min Total time
- Plank
- Spider Plank
- Crunch
2 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 7 Min Total time
Total workout time: 30-35 Minutes
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 6: We Ain’t Done
- Squats
- Skiers Hold
- Jump Squats
3 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 10 Min Total time
- Hindu Press Up
- Decline Press Up
- Diamond Press Up
3 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 10 Min Total time
- Sprawl
- Split Drill
- Drill
3 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 10 Min Total time
- Sit Ups
- X Leg Sit ups
- In and Outs
3 x 60 Sec each. 1 Min Rest. 10 Min Total time
Total workout time: 40 Mins
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
- 180 degree Jump Squats
- Box Jumps
- Rest Lunges
- Shallow Bulgarian Squats
- Rest
3 x 60 Sec each. 15 Min Total time
- Incline Press Ups
- Plank to Press
- Inverted Shoulder Press
- Plank Touch
- Rest
3 x 60 Sec each. 15 Min Total time
- Sprawl
- Drill
- Split Drill
- Spider Plank
- Rest
3 x 60 Sec each. 15 Min Total time
Total Workout Time: 45 mins
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 8: H.I.I.T. it
- Jumping Jacks
- Box Jump
- 180 degree Jump Squat
- Skiiers Hold
- Squats
- Rest
45 sec each. 15 sec break. 3 Circuits: 16 Mins
- Jumping Jack
- Sprawl
- Decline Press Up
- Plank to Press
- Diamond Press Up
45 sec each. 15 sec break. 3 Circuits: 16 Mins
- In and Outs
- Crunch
- Double Crunch
- V-Ups
- X Leg sit ups
45 sec each. 15 sec break. 3 Circuits: 16 Mins
Total Workout Time: 48 Mins
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
No. 9 Unlucky For Some
- Jumping Jack
- 1 ¼ Squat Jumps
- 180 degrees Jump Squats
- Dive Through
- Planché Press Up
- Incline Press UP
- Split Drill
- Sissie Burpees
- Drill
- Sprawl
- Plank to Press
- Plank Touch
- Rest
60 sec each
4 Circuits
Total Workout Time: 52 Mins
** Warm-Up And Stretch Before Every Workout **
Week 10: You’ve Got this
- Jumping Jack
- Jump Squats
- Walking Lunges
- 1 ¼ Squats
- Skiiers Hold
- 180 degree Jump Squats
- Rest Lunges
- Hindu Press Up
- Explosive to Incline Press Up
- Press Up
- Incline Press Up
- Split Drill
- Plank (hold for 60 sec)
- Drill
- Plank Touch
- Sprawls
- Centipedes
- Right side Plank (Hold for 60 sec)
- Left side Plank (Hold for 60 Sec)
- Burpees
30 Reps of everything or 60 Seconds x 3 Rounds
Total Workout Time: 50-60 Mins